Google have created a tool to make it easier to discover datasets---Google Dataset Search. One potential downside is that it requires dataset owners to provide metadata. While the Google brand means that this might get some traction, not all dataset owners are motivated to help the cause. Publication of datasets is now mandated by some funding bodies, but that doesn't mean that the datasets have … [Read more...]
FiveThirtyEight data
FiveThirtyEight are sharing the data and code behind some of their articles. A goldmine for those wishing to learn more about data science. … [Read more...]
Real-world datasets for learning data science in R
R comes with a range datasets that can be used when learning the basics or trying out a new approach/package. mtcars and weather` are popular choices. However, most of the common datasets are "toy" examples. They are great for practising basic techniques, but are useless when it comes to realistically simulating data science tasks. The dslabs package provides datasets more suited to exploring … [Read more...]