When discussing the value we offer to clients, the focus is often on technical aspects—experience, understanding the psychology, skill with tools, processes, etc.
However, it occurs to me that often much of the value we bring to the table is energy and a fresh set of eyes. In many circumstances decision-makers have decision fatigue. It might be due to the number of decisions they have to make, or how long they have spent mulling over this particular decision.
When you are exhausted you make poor decisions.
Engaging the support of a decision scientist gets you someone who isn’t drained. In fact, it gets you someone who is excited about looking at your decision in detail, and from all angles. This work isn’t a burden to the consultant. It’s their job.
No-one likes to admit they are just plain exhausted/exasperated. But you can often see the weight of the world lifting off the shoulders of decision-makers when we come in to help.
Photo by Ian Schneider