The complete Microsoft R Server documentation is now available on MSDN—and is publicly accessible.
It includes comprehensive details of the RevoScaleR High Performance Analytics package. RevoScaleR includes the following analysis functions
- rxSummary (basic summary statistics)
- rxLinMod (linear modeling)
- rxLogit (logistic regression modeling)
- rxGlm (generalized linear modeling)
- rxCovCor (covariance/correlation, with convenience functions, rxCov, rxCor, and rxSSCP)
- rxCube and rxCrossTabs
- rxKmeans (k-means clustering)
- rxDTree (classification/regression decision tree modeling)
- rxDForest (classification/regression decision forest modeling)
- rxBTrees (classification/regression boosted decision tree modeling)
- rxNaiveBayes (Naive Bayes classification)